"Damn waterfall!"

I feel this story is a little silly, but it did really affect me when it happened.

I've dealt with bullying from preschool straight through high school. By my sophomore year, I thought I'd convinced myself that nothing else could hurt me, that I've heard it all.

I was in a club meeting after school and I wasn't really feeling it. I stepped out to use the bathroom. 

The halls were quiet and the bathroom was empty. Then some girls came in after I started going, and one of them yelled, "Damn waterfall!" The girls laughed loudly and left.

I didn't see them, and they didn't see me, but it really bothered me for some reason. 

I've had a very shy bladder for about 5 years after. 

It's the same feeling people get when they're eating chips, like they're chewing too loudly, even if it's not actually bothering anyone.